Vetted & Verified Dealers

Vetted and Verified for High Quality Service
At Printree, we are proud to introduce our carefully vetted and verified top dealers who have earned the prestigious status of being our trusted partners. These dealers have undergone a meticulous verification process by our expert dealer personnel, ensuring that they meet our rigorous standards of excellence.
Vetted & Verified
Here is how it works
With over 20+ years of copier servicing experience, each dealer brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table. They have honed their skills over the years, establishing themselves as industry leaders in Southern California.
Furthermore, our verified dealers boast dedicated service departments, staffed with experienced service representatives who are ready to handle any service calls promptly and efficiently. Their commitment to exceptional customer service ensures that your needs will be met with the utmost professionalism and care.
Every dealer in our network is certified by the manufacturers, demonstrating their commitment to upholding the highest standards of quality and service. They maintain a comprehensive inventory of labor parts, ensuring prompt resolution of any potential machine issues that may arise.
Tested & Tried
With a vast customer base of over 300+ satisfied clients each in the Southern California area, our verified dealers have the proven capabilities, knowledge, and experience to serve and manage the needs of businesses and companies.
To provide you with peace of mind, every machine delivered and serviced by our verified dealers comes with a full warranty and guarantee. They stand behind the quality and reliability of their products, ensuring your satisfaction throughout the entire lifecycle of your copier.
When you choose to shop on Printree, you can have complete peace of mind knowing that our verified dealers are fully equipped and committed to taking care of you. We have handpicked these dealers to ensure that you receive the highest level of service, quality products, and support throughout your copier buying journey.
Vetting and Verification Process:
How we select our dealers
Initial Screening
Printree conducts an initial screening of the applications to ensure they meet basic criteria such as relevant industry experience, proper licensing, and adherence to legal and ethical standards.
Background Check
Printree performs a comprehensive background check on each applicant, verifying their business licenses, professional certifications, and reputation in the industry. This step ensures the dealers have a solid track record and are in good standing.
Verification Team Review
Printree's expert verification team reviews the bid proposals and conducts in-depth assessments of each applicant. They evaluate factors such as industry experience, service capabilities, customer satisfaction, financial stability, and adherence to ethical business practices.
Reference Checks
The verification team contacts references provided by the applicants to gather feedback on their performance, reliability, and customer service. These references could include past clients, manufacturers, or industry partners.
Interview and Evaluation
Shortlisted applicants undergo an interview and evaluation process conducted by Printree's verification team. This step allows for a deeper understanding of the dealers' business operations, service methodologies, and commitment to customer satisfaction.
Service Quality Assessment
Printree evaluates the service quality of potential dealers by assessing their response times, resolution rates, and customer feedback. This evaluation ensures that the dealers have the necessary infrastructure, resources, and service-oriented mindset to deliver exceptional customer experiences.
Contract Negotiation
Once the verification team completes their evaluations, Printree engages in contract negotiations with the selected dealers. The terms and conditions of the partnership are established, including pricing agreements, service level commitments, and compliance with Printree's standards and policies.
Ongoing Monitoring
After the dealers are onboarded, Printree maintains ongoing monitoring to ensure they continue to meet the marketplace's high standards. This monitoring includes periodic performance evaluations, customer satisfaction surveys, and review of key performance indicators.
Checkout some Dealer Profiles
Feel confident working with the top copier dealers in your city. All our dealers are vetted with over 20 years of experience, having worked with thousands of businesses . checkout any dealers profiles showcasing their unique strengths, areas of expertise, contact information, and a detailed inventory list with pricing. This allows you to learn more about each dealer and make informed decisions.
Start Your Quote!
Compare. Book. Deliver
Are you currently in a Lease
Great, Let’s Calculate your lease payoff
Current Leasing Company Name:
How many equipment are on the lease?
Current Lease Payment:
How many payments do you have left?
This is your payoff:
Note: Your Dealer will Delivery you a check for $ 1 week after your equipment is delivered.
  • Use this check to payoff of your current lease
  • For any additional questions regarding the lease payoff process please contact our Lease payoff department at [email protected]
Custom Quote Generator
For Multiple Machine & High Usage Quotes
Contact us 1(877) 777-7419 / [email protected]
Select your Equipment
Choose your equipment, feel free to select more than 1 option
Color Type:
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click here for speed guide

Custom Quote Generator
For Multiple Machine & High Usage Quotes
Contact us 1(877) 777-7419 / [email protected]
Select your Add on's
Heavy Stapling
Hole Punch
Heavy Hole Punch
Heavy Fold
Booklet Market
Heavy Booklet Market
Large Capacity Tray
Custom Quote Generator
For Multiple Machine & High Usage Quotes
Contact us 1(877) 777-7419 / [email protected]
Usage Included
Billed monthly with copier payment
Includes: Unlimited Service / Toner / Labor/ Parts
BW: 0 copies included
Overage rate: 0.01
Color: 0 copies included
Overage rate: 0.08
Billed with equipment price

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Pay Per Click
Billed monthly with copier payment
Includes: Unlimited Service / Toner / Labor/ Parts
BW: 0 copies included
Overage rate: 0.01
Color: 0 copies included
Overage rate: 0.08
Monthly: Usage billed monthly

Watch Video
Custom Quote Generator
For Multiple Machine & High Usage Quotes
Contact us 1(877) 777-7419 / [email protected]
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By the time you finish filling in the details your quotes will be ready!
Company Name:
Phone Number:
Zip Code:
Top Lease Deals - $0 to Start
Need a short term solution? Get a month to month no contract agreement directly on printree, no credit no problem. Find the right Copier according to your budget with the right dealer and book your copier today!
Xerox AltaLink C8045
Xerox Alta Link C8045 / refurbished copier - color copier, copy machine, color printer and scanner
Xerox AltaLink C8045| Pre Owned
Pre Owned
Print: Color and B&W
Speed: 40-50 PPM
Select A Service Plan
Add Accessories
Lease Price
Xerox AltaLink C8070
Xerox Alta Link C8070 / refurbished copier - color copier, copy machine, color printer and scanner
Xerox AltaLink C8070| Pre Owned
Pre Owned
Print: Color and B&W
Speed: 70-80 PPM
Select A Service Plan
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Lease Price
Xerox AltaLink B8145
Xerox Alta Link B8145 / refurbished copier - black and white copier, copy machine, black and white printer and scanner
Xerox AltaLink B8145| Pre Owned
Pre Owned
Print: Black And White
Speed: 40-50 PPM
Select A Service Plan
Add Accessories
Lease Price